
Saturday 20 June 2015

Someone I like.

Orkid take out her pen. She want to write something in her notebook.

"Learning to ignore certain people is one of the great paths to inner peace. I mean not continuous ignore it, I just start to blushing when I see certain people. Maybe because we are very different. I just can only write a short story, a poem or something that nobody wants to read it. Since you are better than me, you can be a chief, or someone that people will trust and know who you are. I only see from a distance and smile. I hope we fine spiritually, mentally and physically. You too high to be reached by myself. In conclusion, allow me to be high with you. So we are equally high. Also, we know about it, at this moment, only patience will teach us. Now, we learn together."

Orkid close her notebook and put it on the edge of her desk.

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